
4 ways to own your health this winter

Ensure you feel like your best self this sniffle season.

As winter swings around and the days become shorter, we start to feel the chill in the air, turn on the heating and pull on our warmer clothes – and we often find that, annoyingly, some health conditions can increase.

Cold and flu outbreaks in particular are more prevalent during the colder months, and asthma and chest conditions can be exacerbated by the lower temperatures.

Getting sick during the cooler months isn’t inevitable, but there are many winter health tips out there to help you prevent it.

Here are our top four winter health tips to help boost your chances of staying well this sniffle season.

Cup of tea with lemon, honey and ginger over wooden surface
(Credit: Getty Images)

Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated isn’t just a summer thing. Keeping up with your eight glasses of water each day will ensure your hydration levels remain topped up. If you struggle with cold drinks, move to herbal teas for something more warming.

By keeping hydrated, your body temperature remains regulated, and your body will be able to remove toxins and carry oxygen and important nutrients around your body more easily. Drinking water also ensures your body functions in the correct way, which can help improve energy levels and keep your immune system functioning. Plus, staying hydrated ensures the mucus membranes in your lungs and sinuses will remain moist, which is super important as it helps the body fight infections.

Eat well

The chilly winter weather may make you want to reach for comfort foods, and there are ways to do this and keep up with your nutrients, too.

Eating a healthy balanced diet that includes a variety of foods and at least five portions of fruit and vegetables per day will keep your immune system strong, and help it fight viruses. Ensure your diet includes a host of good fats, proteins, fibre, antioxidants, vitamins and carbohydrates to nourish you.

Some winter weather healthy favourites to boost immunity include: roasted carrot and pumpkin soup, which will boost beta-carotene and is great for your immune system; broccoli and cauliflower are packed with vitamin C, which helps enhance immunity; warm oats are high in fibre and zinc, great for immunity boosting.

Roasted pumpkin, spinach & feta slice recipe from The Australian Women's Weekly

(Credit: The Australian Women’s Weekly Food)

Practice healthy habits

It’s more important than ever at this time of year to practice healthy habits to help minimise your chance of catching a cough, cold, or the flu.

Healthy hygienic habits include washing your hands often with soap and warm water, covering your nose and mouth with a tissue when you sneeze or cough, and trying to avoid contact with those who have flu-like symptoms.

If you do become ill, it’s important to stay home from work and limit your contact with others so that you don’t infect them too.

Keep yourself active

While the cold weather may make your motivation wane, exercise is one of the easiest quick-fix solutions to staying healthy. Exercise will not only warm you up, but it also strengthens the immune system, which will in turn help fight any infections that come your way.

Being inside and cooped up in heated buildings can help viruses spread. Use your lunch break to get outside in the fresh air, even just for a walk, and you’ll also get a beautiful vitamin D boost.

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