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Your Monthly Horoscope for August 2024

Here's what's in store for you this month.
Astrological illustration with a woman's profile, lion, planets, and stars on a blue background.

As we enter a new month, the slate is wiped clean and there are endless possibilities for growth. See what’s in store for your relationships, career, and emotions in the month ahead, here’s your August horoscope for 2024.


Leo, Jul 24 – Aug 23

The right royal Sun, glamorous Venus and flamboyant new moon in Leo during the first week of August all applaud your majesty’s sashay along the catwalk this month. If you’ve been holding back on sharing certain feelings and ideas, the annual Leo new moon spotlights your taking a leadership role – though if this unleashes your inner drama queen, make sure she plays nice. When Mercury backtracks into your fiery sign for the last half of August, remember that retrogrades are for rethinking, and that this one is specifically for reviewing the ways you attract praise and approval. 

Virgo, Aug 24 – Sep 23

In a perfect Virgo world your planet mentor Mercury wouldn’t retrograde in your sign as it does for the second week of August. In this less-thanideal scenario team efforts may be delayed by mistakes and your helpful feedback taken as criticism. The good news? The elegant entrance of Venus into Virgo evens up chances that your considered and considerate approach will be understood and appreciated. Even better, August’s last week sees Mercury move forward again and the birthday sunshine stream into your practical and earth-oriented sign.

Libra, Sep 24 – Oct 23

Venus in your personal sector of friends and future plans schedules a busy beginning to this mix-and-mingle month. But when this celestial mentor moves around August 7 to the Libran zone of closure, she’s likely to be calibrating what and who will and won’t be a continuing part of your forward course. This is a time to expect, accept, and even celebrate the drawing to a close of certain life cycles – especially in late August when Venus saunters into Libra for a glorious month in her favourite place of style, charm and grace. 

Scorpio, Oct 24 – Nov 22

Pluto’s deepening presence in your home or base of operations makes this a cycle for addressing control issues in family dynamics and office politics. Self-reflection at this time can uncover where beliefs you’ve held might need rethinking, allowing you to rewrite a more understanding and authentic story. With five planets backtracking this month you’re in luck, because this greatly facilitates inner work. Part of your retrograde rejig may be cutting others some slack, thinking of Scorpio Joni Mitchell’s song about not knowing what you’ve got till it’s gone. 


Sagittarius Nov 23 – Dec 21

This month’s astrological energy in a fellow fire sign and your personal sector of adventure suggests warming up the winter chill by inviting your artistic and creative side out to play. Doing something different from your usual moves is one of the traditionally recommended antidotes for August’s Mercury retrograde irritations. And this month’s Venus is another, with her current placement making self-care sexy. So kickstart a routine that restores your glow – and make it something enjoyable you look forward to doing: salsa class, paddleboarding, nature walking or hot yoga, anyone?

Capricorn, Dec 22 – Jan 20

This month, Saturn retrograde in your communication zone gives an introspective energy which urges a review of long-term goals to realign plans with a renewed understanding of responsibilities. It invites you to apply your Capricorn wisdom and use challenges as opportunities for growth. August’s sun and new moon in your sector of shared activities suggest engaging your gifts and talents in more joyful and playful ways, even different social circles – because productivity improves when you take breaks, refresh your mind and exchange ideas with others.

Aquarius, Jan 21 – Feb 19

Your sign is traditionally associated with networking and progressive ideals. Pluto spending an extended retrograde in Aquarius is your time to prioritise a thorough reassessment of these themes: To look at how you use technology and social media, and to re-examine the workings of groups you associate with and causes you support. Then afterwards, this year’s annual full moon in Aquarius on August 20 invites you to share and celebrate your unusual ideas, your refusal to give up on humanity or the technology that keeps you connected with your broader community.

Pisces, Feb 20 – Mar 20

While it might not be immediately obvious, the planets currently retrograde in your sign are actually a celestial gift. So stay aware of when your thoughts and internal conversations drift into past patterns during August. Saturn and Neptune are offering the priceless opportunity to recognise and move through a residual backlog of emotional history to craft new responses to habitual stumbling blocks. The best outcome that will result from this? You’ll be so busy rejigging unhealthy habits that the service and supply issues of this month’s Mercury retrograde won’t be such a big deal at all.


Aries, Mar 21 – Apr 21

Aries psychologist James Hillman believed we are irresistibly drawn to focus on our problems because each one harbours a secret treasure for us to discover. August’s finicky perfectionists offer plenty of scope for testing his theory. Take the usual Mercury retrograde precautions of editing documents before sending and being careful who you confide in, because rash moves could prove regrettable this month. The pay-off? Staying patient with missed meetings and opinionated divas will help maintain a sense of humour, plus provide some hilarious stories for entertaining your friends.

Taurus, Apr 22 – May 21

Hot-tempered, impatient Mars could incite people to be argumentative and contrarian this month, with everyone having an opinion and nobody willing to compromise. Strong reactions are likely, so think twice before challenging someone if you don’t have all the facts and save those feisty emails to the drafts folder. Venus your boss planet in flaw-finding mode can make it hard to distinguish between what’s real and what’s your imagination, or incline you to be overly judgemental. Mercury’s suggestion? Try to focus on finding solutions rather than pointing out people’s faults.

Gemini, May 22 – Jun 22

The key themes of your boss planet Mercury’s retrograde this month include ruffled feathers, dummy spits, issues with healthcare providers and outages at home, though good luck finding someone to fix them. What is the retrograde good for? Rejigging work and wellness regimes for you and your family. With the outspoken Jupiter and assertive Mars in your chatty sign it might be hard for others to get a word in, so moderate your enthusiasm and aim for equal airplay. Dramas will ease when the celestial engine of communication moves forward again at the end of August.

Cancer, Jun 23 – Jul 23

Mercury in reverse during August suggests a need to proceed strategically, so pay attention to existing power structures and be alert for covert intimidation tactics. The new moon on August 4 encourages speaking up and asking questions if you feel the need for more information. The full moon on August 20 in collaborative, progressive Aquarius strengthens camaraderie and teamwork for supporting a cause that’s important to you. This month’s love language is giving gifts, so saying thank you with a thoughtful memento or luxurious meal is likely to be much appreciated by the recipient.


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