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Your weekly horoscope for August 5-11, 2024

Here's what's in store for your zodiac sign this week.

Venus in Virgo can be quite nitpicky, especially in tandem with this week’s Mercury heading retrograde in Virgo. So keep in mind that people rarely do better from being criticized, and try compliments instead. Here’s your weekly horoscope August 5-11, 2024.

Leo, Jul 23 – Aug 22

Energetic Mars and Jupiter could cause distractions this week, along with Mercury and Venus in fault-finding mode. Not what you might have ordered for your birthday month majesties, but rather than listening to the critics, just enjoy exploring the smorgasbord of variety on life’s bountiful table.

Virgo, Aug 23 – Sep 22

In this week’s less than ideal scenario of Mercury retrograde in your sign, team efforts may be delayed by mistakes, or your helpful feedback taken as criticism. Good news? The elegant entrance of Venus into Virgo evens up chances that your considered approach will be understood and appreciated. 

Libra, Sep 23 – Oct 22

With Venus your celestial mentor moving this week to the Libran zone of closure, she’s likely to be quite discriminating: calibrating who and what will and won’t be part of your forward course. All perfectly normal and natural, since people as well as trees have their deciduous seasons.

Scorpio, Oct 23 – Nov 21

As five planets backtrack this month you’re actually in luck, because this greatly facilitates the inner work needed right now. Part of this week’s retrograde rejig might be cutting others some slack, as in Scorpio Joni Mitchell’s song about not knowing what you’ve got till it’s gone.

Sagittarius, Nov 22 – Dec 21

Communication planet Mercury’s retrograde this week offers a helpful trial run before its final reversal for 2024 in Sagittarius later this year. So practise spontaneity, working with the unexpected, backing up files,  reconfirming plans and being patient with others if you have to redo or repeat something. 

Capricorn, Dec 22 – Jan 19

Saturn retrograde in your communication zone gives this month an introspective edge, urging a review of long-term goals. It invites you to apply all your Capricorn wisdom distilled from past experience to discussing and realigning plans with a renewed understanding of responsibilities. 

Aquarius, Jan 20 – Feb 18

Mercury is the planet of communication, commerce, logical thinking and linear order. This week its retrograde gift is a shift from left to right brain focus. Less attention on facts and reason, more on relaxing and using this opportunity to think outside the box: something Aquarians are particularly good at. 

Pisces, Feb 18 – Mar 20

As Neptune, backed up by Saturn in your sign helps dissolve stagnant structures to make room for more spacious thinking, you’re likely to be so busy rejigging unhealthy habits that the service and supply issues of this month’s Mercury retrograde won’t be such a big deal at all.  

Aries, Mar 21 – Apr 19

Aries psychologist James Hillman believed we focus on our problems because each one harbours a secret treasure for us, and August’s finicky, hair-splitting perfectionistas offer plenty of scope for testing his theory. This week’s gift is understanding how effective changing your attitude is, rather than other peoples’.

Taurus, Apr 20 – May 20

Your boss planet Venus in flaw-finding mode can make it hard to distinguish between what’s real and what’s your imagination, or incline you to be overly critical and judgmental. Mercury’s suggestion? Rather than pointing out peoples’ faults or playing the blame game, focus on common ground and finding solutions.

Gemini, May 21 – Jun 20

Key themes of your boss planet Mercury’s retrograde this month include ruffled feathers, dummy spits, issues with healthcare providers and outages at home, though good luck finding the requisite tradies. What’s it good for? Really good for rejigging work and wellness regimes: yours, the family, your pets. 

Cancer, Jun 21 – Jul 22

Mercury in reverse this month suggests the need to proceed strategically, so pay attention to existing power structures and be alert for intimidation tactics. If it becomes necessary to speak up, Mars and Jupiter are currently encouraging asking careful questions if you feel the need for more information.

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