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Your Monthly Horoscope for December 2023

Here's what's in store for you this month.

As we enter a new month, the slate is wiped clean and there are endless possibilities for growth. See what’s in store for your relationships, career, and emotions in the month ahead, here’s your December horoscope for 2023

Sagittarius, Nov 23 – Dec 21

This month’s combustible combination of Sun and Mars in your vibrant sign fires up tremendous birthday momentum and a dynamic energy boost for organising festive game plans. An enthusiastic new moon in Sagittarius on December 13 opens a gift box of multicultural mingling and promising possibilities. Only red light? Mercury backsliding into your sign for the last week of 2023 issues a strong signal to stay calm and avoid drama so you can enjoy Jupiter, your leading planet, heading out of retrograde and Venus leaping boldly into Sagittarius for a glorious end of year finale.

Capricorn, Dec 22 – Jan 20

Savvy Capricorns will take full advantage of Mercury’s excellent executive assist in the first fortnight of December. Lock in holiday plans and activities before the silicate planet’s mid-month reversal intensifies seasonal pressures and tensions. Your astral power point this month is the midsummer solstice on December 22 when the year’s longest, lightest day welcomes the beginning of Capricorn season. As the zodiac’s provider sign, this is your annual cycle for cruising, schmoozing and networking at festive get-togethers for contacts and connections to follow up in the new year.

Aquarius, Jan 21 – Feb 19

Aquarians are the zodiac’s premier exponents of community spirit or group flow, and December is unquestionably in need of this expertise for mediating\ Mercury retrograde’s mixed messages and misunderstandings. Your blend of the experimental and the sensible is essential for the creative pivots required when even realistic expectations go haywire after mid-month – although it is advisable not to offer them until asked. Yes, Mercury’s still retrograde on New Year’s Eve, but Venus, planet of affection and pleasure, bounding into her most fun-loving and adventurous placement to greet the coming year could arrive with a delightful surprise.

Pisces, Feb 20 – Mar 20

When Neptune ends its long retrograde in Pisces during the first week of December, plans come more clearly into focus. Refreshed from the oceanic planet’s cycle of soul-searching, with new clarity and realisations, it will be easier to practice not being overwhelmed by the annual anniversary whirl. The two planets of enchantment, Venus and Neptune, in sensitive sensual water signs, say forget the spending frenzy, the shopping till you’re dropping and the festive food coma, and just enjoy lavishing your loved ones with extra TLC, little gifts, thoughtful treats and unexpected pleasures.

Aries, Mar 21 – Apr 21

Your boss planet Mars spending December in the easy, breezy fellow fire sign known for its unvarnished honesty has a habit of unleashing your no-frills full-forwardness. So, best remember that the truth is relative and people won’t want to handle what isn’t true for them. This month, as always, complaining is draining, so address that awesome Aries willpower to not dwell on the negatives. Your reward will come in late December with the gift of a beautiful confidence reboot when the healing comet Chiron – retrograde in Aries since July – makes a dazzling take-off into the new year.

Taurus, Apr 22 – May 21

Venus, your prima planet, in the opposite and complementary sign\ to Taurus on the astro-wheel this December is magnetic, persuasive and determined, helping you stay focussed without getting scattered. As seasonal stresses escalate it’s easy to get others offside, so channel this month’s Venus in her Morticia Addams mode to disarm with wit and charm. And the best is saved till last: On New Year’s Eve, after four months stationary in your sign, generous Jupiter powering forward promises an expansive and profitable new year, and isn’t that worth popping the bubbly for?

Gemini, May 22 – Jun 22

Master strategist Mercury, your ruling planet, in the sign of executive organisation for the first half of December has you zipping along blissfully in top gear while you plan the final act of the year. But when the quicksilver trickster backspins from mid-month onwards, rushing or cutting corners could create epic meltdowns, so tread carefully. As hard as it is to stop your brain racing and your fingers pressing send, check and recheck before you do. Leave nothing to chance with travel arrangements. The good news? On New Year’s Eve, Venus will be in optimistic and party hearty mode …

Cancer, Jun 23 – Jul 23

For Cancerians, familiarity breeds contentment, but when the enthusiastic boost of this month’s new moon on December 13 tempts you out of the comfort zone into the frenzied frivolity of parties, presents and new possibilities, why not answer the call? When festivities start to wind down, the quiet comfort of December 27th’s Cancer full moon in your domestic sign offers much-needed respite to chill and tend your nest with close friends and family. Finally, the new year’s fruitful moon invites you to plant the imaginary seeds of what you plan to grow next year.

Leo, Jul 24 – Aug 23

The dominant celestial energies at this month’s negotiating table could seem unreasonably urgent, so if someone is behaving like a ticking time bomb (hopefully not you), don’t force issues – give them space. Especially when Mercury backflips mid-month and the season of unreason ramps up, with hitches to festive plans raising frustration levels. For a cool yule forget rigid thinking and get flexible: Exercise your signature superpower of being spontaneous. December’s most helpful mantra comes via Leo Madonna’s observation: “It’s not what I expected it to be, but nothing ever is.”

Virgo, Aug 24 – Sep 23

Acts of service is Virgo’s love language, and your practical magic makes a crucial contribution to December’s merry mayhem. Complicated or unclear arrangements can cause serious fault lines this month, so your natural genius for elegant problem solving and keeping things simple are gifts to seasonal proceedings – as long as you reign in that tendency to micromanage. After Mercury retrogrades activities of revising, renegotiating, rethinking and being reliable, New Year’s Eve Virgo moon reminds you of the important ones you sometimes forget: To rest, relax and receive much-deserved appreciation.

Libra, Sep 24 – Oct 23

Seeing both sides of any equation can complicate the decision-making for Librans. As your prima planet Venus tugs you this month between your head and heart – guessing what’s best or following your feelings – you already know the answer will be found in a balance of both. For the brain part, smart thinking recommends getting as much done in Decembers’ first week while Venus in Libra has charm on your side. For the heart part, lavish yourself with some of that love you extend to others, and take all the you-time you need to recalibrate your personal compass in order to get ready for the new year ahead.

Scorpio, Oct 24 – Nov 22

Scorpios score this month’s best Christmas present. Magnetic Venus in your all-or-nothing sign prints you a season pass to gracefully bow out of ho-hum obligations that aren’t lighting your fire, in favour of something much more creative. That said, December’s energetics are definitely intense, so try not to let minor mistakes spiral into dealbreakers. Dial down the drama and don’t over-promise or assume anything, especially on New Year’s Eve, when Venus at her most outrageously spontaneous suggests anything can happen, and you might be required to improvise. 

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