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EXCLUSIVE: Lara and Peter chat all things Dream Home ahead of the grand finale

The Weekly was lucky enough to get a tour of the couple’s newly renovated home.

I’ve watched every episode of Dream Home and yet, as I walk through the doors of Lara and Peter’s newly renovated Belrose home, I realise the show has not been doing complete justice to the dream homes.

Hardwood floors, arched doorways, marble counters, skylights and state-of-the-art LG products galore; the house is just exquisite.

I really can’t articulate how breathtaking the house that I watched come to life in the last few episodes of Dream Home is in real life.

Lara and Peter beam with pride as they welcome several guests into their home – including myself on behalf of The Weekly.

And after a wonderful tour of each room – the living room, the kitchen, the dining room, the master bedroom, the two kids bedrooms and both the downstairs and upstairs bathrooms – I pull the couple aside to chat all things renovating, interior design and, of course, Dream Home.

Read The Weekly’s complete interview with Dream Home contestants Lara and Peter below.

lara and peter's dream home

The Weekly: What was the biggest lesson you learnt during your time on Dream Home?

Peter: The biggest lesson I learnt was to not get your heart set on one particular thing, because if that’s unavailable or, you can’t afford it, or whatever reason, you will come up with another option.

There were many times we probably got the third or fourth option and we were stoked with it. Like, when we couldn’t get the first option we were devastated about it and then we had the s**ts we got the fourth option, but when it was all done we like, ‘Actually, that’s mad.’

Lara: For me, I guess it’s no real shock to see that I never backed myself. I think I’m creative with ideas but I had to learn to back myself, so coming out of this experience I think maybe now I’ll be able to renovate better; I have more faith in myself.

Do you have any tips for couples planning to renovate together; especially if any creative differences arise?

Lara: [To Peter] You have no creative-ness. So, there was never any creative difference because he has no taste. [To Peter] Sorry, I love you but your taste is up your bottom.

the living room of lara and peter's dream home

Peter: I’m not going to argue because she’s my wife. So, my recommendation would be listen to your wife. Don’t argue with your wife. Just pick your battles. Make sure the battles are small.

It’s easy for me to say that though, because she’s really good at this s**t. So, for our design brief, my only input was a beer tap.

Lara: Yeah, it’s hard for me to put myself in that position because he has no creative flair. If he did, we probably would butt heads. Maybe that’s why we worked well together on the show because we knew our strengths, right?

So, I think my advice to couples is to know your strengths and even if you don’t agree but know they’re generally better at the styling or designing process, have trust. Have trust in one another.

What’s an interior trend that you think will never go out of style?

Lara: White. I think the colour white will never date, I think with white you can still add colour with accessories, cushions and you can change them over. And I think white is a great basic, blank canvas.

lara and peter from dream home

Peter: That’s what I was about to say.

Which room that you two created during your time on Dream Home are you most proud of and why?

Lara: That’s hard; I’m pretty proud of all our spaces. But for me, it’d probably be that nursery. The nursery was such a fun thing to create. One, because it was for twins which we’ve never experienced, thank god [laughs].

But LG flew our kids up that week, so it was lovely to have them there. And it was all a little bit; I don’t know. It hit home that we were doing this for families while we were working on the babies’ room. And I think because we killed it [scores-wise], that really helped. So, yeah, that was definitely my favourite space.

Peter: I’d probably say the marble. Just because–

Lara: Just because it was your one and only idea [laughs].

the dining room

Peter: No, I had two. And the judges loved both of them. [Both laugh.] No, I think because we had no idea if it would work. And it was the one time I got to show my trade and what I do.

Literally, when they showed it on the show and it turned on and us being like, ‘Holy s**t,’ that was all legit. Because we were told the stone was too thick for the light to come through, and we did a test but had no idea how it would turn out.

Oh, and because budget was such an issue on the show, if we turned it on and it looked s**t, we would’ve spent so much time and money on nothing. We would’ve had to suck eggs basically. So, the fact that it paid off, and the fact that we feel it was one of the bigger ‘wow’ moments of the show, I think that was a pretty big achievement.

What advice do you have for anyone wanting to compete in the next season of Dream Home?

Peter: Agree with your wife. Don’t argue with your wife. Oh wait; different question.

Lara: Be prepared for ‘no’s’ from your builder. You might have an image off Pinterest that you want to recreate and it’s just physically not possible.

the kitchen

So, have more than one option available because the time constraints you’re under, and the time frames you have to make decisions in, are unheard of in renovation. Just be prepared. Be prepared! Oh and be prepared for a lack of sleep like you’ve never experienced before.

Peter: I would say, to second that, and I said it before, don’t get your heart set on one thing. But also, don’t always take no for an answer. So, we got told no plenty of times by the builder and my wife, being Italian, eventually got a yes.

Or with cabinet makers, for example, they said they couldn’t do certain things but I drove to their factory and spent half the night doing it for them because they didn’t have time. So when someone says no, there’s always another way to get it done or find another option.

Lara: I think be prepared to work really hard.

Peter: Yeah, go the extra mile.

Lara: Also be prepared to experience a feeling of gratitude like you’ve never felt before.

The grand finale of Dream Home airs on Channel Seven and 7plus on July 9 at 7.30pm.

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